Student start-up loan

Building a start-up is not easy. In the beginning entrepreneurs will put in a lot of time and effort while not seeing financial results. Together with StartLife, StartHub Wageningen offers students with a business idea the opportunity to apply for a student start-up loan. This loan gives students the opportunity to accelerate their business activities. After an intake, handing in documents and a pitch session, students with a promising concept can be granted a small loan to kick-off their market validation or prototype development.

The student start-up loan is meant to support the personal development of the entrepreneur in contrast to usual loans and investments. Though the proposition presented is important, the final decision on granting the loan depends mostly on how the money to be spent relates to the development of the entrepreneur behind it.

Criteria for application

  • MSc, BSc student or recent graduate (less than 2 years after graduation) of Wageningen University & Research

  • Start-up idea in the domain of agriculture, food and environment

Are you interested in financial support? Please contact Gitte Schober


Stories from start-ups that received the student start-up loan: